Tuesday, July 28, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning. My devotional teaches me must value the most with God's grace. 

Here is my morning prayer:

Eternal God, thank you for leading me up until this point. Now I pray that you would give me the wisdom today to ask for your help and accept it along the way. Amen

Thursday, July 23, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning.  My devotional teaches me why God wants us to be successful.

Here is my morning prayer:

God of Justice, when I sense your call to action, please give me the courage to adjust my faith and life in a way that is true to your call. Continue to stretch me in my faith and in the ways that I respond to the world around me. Amen.

Next Level Attitude

Next level attitude.

Marvin Sapp - Yes You Can (Official Audio)

Sharing my morning praise song.

Monday, July 20, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning.  My devotional teaches me how God wants us to address our attitudes.

Here is my morning prayer:

Forgiving God, thank you for choosing grace and mercy when my faith fails me. Help me to value people and not rules or biases that devalue others. Open my eyes to your presence in those around me. Place in me the words that heal and a passion to relate to others in a way that restores the world around me to the "way things should be." Amen.

Friday, July 17, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning. My devotional teaches me steps that God's wants us to take for spiritual growth.

Here is my morning prayer:

Dear God, while I am going through this hardship, help me to cling to your promises. I know the only way I will be able to face these difficulties is by placing my trust in you. You give me strength. Thank you, O Lord, for sending your son so that we may have eternal hope. May I never be ashamed of you or where you lead me, Father. In Jesus' name, amen.

Friday, July 10, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning. My devotional teaches me that God is inside us.

Here is my morning prayer:

Lord above all, today help me to seek your face and glorify your name. With those around me, may I find strength that only you can give so that I may seek you in all things. Amen.

Monday, July 6, 2020

My morning devotional

‪Good morning. My devotional teaches me that we must have strong faith in God to get through our circumstances. Here is my morning prayer:Breath of God, breathe on me today.Allow me to rest in your peace and wrap me in your love so that I may feel comforted by your presence. Amen.‬

Acheved My Certification in Project Management

 Throughout my career, I have led high-value projects creating tremendous value to organizations, citizens, and businesses.   As a result, t...