Sunday, August 23, 2020

My morning devotional

Forgive me Father for all of my sins! Merciful God, I rejoice in knowing you, knowing that you sent your son to absolve me of my sins. Alas, I am weak and prideful, often neglecting to even ask for forgiveness for my sins. I beg you now to hear my cries to of repentance, because I wish to be more humble with each passing day. I pray all of this in the name of the most humble of all, Jesus Christ, who died so that I could live. Amen. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning! My morning devotional teaches me that God wants us to laugh.

Here is my morning prayer:

Dear God, I thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ. There is no other man who could have done what He did for all mankind. Thank you, Lord, that as a result of this great gift, I am able to behold His glory, day in and day out. May I never take this for granted, Lord. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Recover St. Lucie County

Alphonso Jefferson posted a video the small business assistance grant for St. Lucie County.  Alphonso Jefferson was an integral part of establishing the small business grant.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

New Bethel Sunday Service

New Bethel Sunday Service

My morning devotional

Good morning! My devotional this morning teaches me to be slow to anger.

Here is my morning prayer:

God, thank you asking me to be your partner. Thank you for sharing your wisdom in me. Help me to use this wisdom to love others as you love me. Amen.

Acheved My Certification in Project Management

 Throughout my career, I have led high-value projects creating tremendous value to organizations, citizens, and businesses.   As a result, t...