Saturday, February 29, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning.  My daily devotional teaches me that my peace of mind comes from God. God has everything under control.

Here is my morning prayer

Almighty God, all that we possess is from your loving hand. Give us grace that we may honor you with all we own, always remembering the account we must one day give to Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Tasha Cobbs - Fill Me Up / Overflow (Medley) [Live]

Sharing my morning praise song.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning. My morning devotional teaches me that we will experience pain and suffering, but we should not let go of God’s love and follow his will.

Here is my morning prayer:

Dear God, I pray that I never get to a point in my life where I think that I know it all. I can never know more than you and I know that you know what is best for my life more than I do. Lord, may I always pay attention to your counsel and no one else’s. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

My morning praise song

Sharing my morning praise song -

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning. My morning devotional teaches me that we have a God that wants to take our burdens.  We only have to give them to him. We must allow God to be our sword and shield.

Here is my morning prayer:

Deliver me, God. Open my lips so I can sing of your righteousness. Open my mouth so I can speak your praise. Walk with me God, as I strive to follow Jesus. Amen.

My morning praise song

Sharing my morning praise song -

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning. My devotional teaches me that the best way to deal with people is through Love.  God wants us to love one another.  God's will is love.

Here is my morning prayer:

Dear God, the promises you have made for us give us hope for the future. I eagerly await the day Christ will return and raise us all into our glorious forms – free from all infirmities. Until then, I will continue to abide in you, Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

My morning praise song

Sharing my morning praise song -

Monday, February 24, 2020

My morning devotionsl

Good morning. My devotional teaches me the approach that should be taken when we are praying to God.  I am so thankful of the prayer groups that I am involved in.

Here is my morning prayer:

Dear God, my heart will always rejoice when I think of your love and the Grace you have gifted me with. It is because of your Son, Jesus Christ, I am free from the power of sin and death. I no longer have to fear death and destruction or the threats of the enemy because I am resting and hidden in Christ. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

My morning praise song

Good morning. Sharing my morning praise song -

Sunday, February 23, 2020

My Morning Praise Song

Sharing my morning praise song -

My morning devotional

I forgot to post my daily devotional.  My devotional teaches me that we should always honor the grace of God.  When we honor God, we will receive his favor.

Here is my prayer:

I praise you, O Lord, that you rule in my life and in my heart. Let your Spirit stir in me this day, that I may go into the world proclaiming with my words and my actions that you indeed rule this day and forevermore. Amen.

Clear the Path

I saw this image on LinkedIn, and I wanted to share it.

Friday, February 21, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning.  My devotional teaches me that we overcome  evil with goodness. As we continue our walk with God, let the goodness of God shine through us.

Here is my morning prayer.

Loving God, I am overwhelmed by your love that reaches out to me. Move and empower me to reach out to those in need of your love this day and every day so that all your children know that they are enough and that they are loved. Amen.

My morning praise song

Sharing my morning praise song -

Thursday, February 20, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning. My devotional teaches me that we should always be Joyful and stay focused on God’s will.  God has everything under control.

Here is my morning prayer:

Holy God, you are more than my words. You are more than my dreams. Move me in ways that help others to see what I can only hope to describe – your immense love for all creation. Amen.

My morning Praise song

Sharing my morning praise song -

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning.  My devotional teaches me that my salvation is will come from showing love to others and for serving and loving  God.

Here is my morning prayer:

Dear God, I will always be in awe when I think of how great your love for me, and everyone in this world, is. We weren’t anywhere close to righteous when you sent your Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us; but that did not stop you. Lord, I will always set my heart on loving you, ever grateful that you loved me first. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

My morning praise song

Sharing my morning praise song -

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning. My devotional teaches me that we should not be going to God for presents but rather to be in his presence.  God hears our prayers but wants us to lean on his word.  God is love and he is a merciful God.

Here is my morning prayer:

Gracious God, you walk with me throughout my life. Wherever I go, you are already there. Instill in me the confidence to walk boldly where you call me to go. Amen.

My morning praise song

Sharing my morning praise song -

Monday, February 17, 2020

Helpful Hints February 17, 2020

Business Assistance

Need business assistance?  Please go to the following website and contact me -

My services can be customized to fit your needs. I am experienced in many business-related services to include business analysis, business plan development, and much more.

My morning praise song

Sharing my morning praise song -

My Morning Devotional

Good morning. My devotional teaches me that my strength comes from God when I believe in him.  God will address all our challenges when we truly believe in him.

Here is my morning prayer:

O God, you challenge me each and every day to see the world as you see it. Help me to have the courage to take each step upwards in realizing your call for me. Amen.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning. My devotional teaches me that we should surround ourselves around individuals who have our best interest at heart and that stretch us to grow.

Here is my morning prayer

O God, your guidance in my life is what I need. I want to follow your lead. Help me to fix my gaze on you and hear what you have to say into my life. Amen.

My morning praise song

Sharing my morning praise song -

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Collin Basketball Training - 2.15.2020

The following is Collin's basketball training video from February 15, 2020 -

Helpful Hint

Collin Basketball Training - 2.14.2020

Basketball Training Video of Colling Jefferson -

My Morning Devotional

Good morning. My devotional teaches me that we need to speak God's word over our challenges.  God will address them.

Here is my morning prayer:

O God, that my verses of love toward you could run through the alphabet and run through my heart. Amen.

My morning praise song

Sharing my morning praise song -

Friday, February 14, 2020

My Morning Devotional

Good morning. My devotional teaches me that we have a God that is merciful and stands by us during good abc bad times.  We must lean on God to carry us through our challenges.  We should always uplift his name.

Here is my morning prayer.

O Lord, I pray that I would live my life with a yes to you that can be seen, heard, and experienced as faithfulness. Amen.

My Morning Praise Song

Sharing my morning praise song -

Thursday, February 13, 2020

My Morning Devotional

Good morning. My devotional teaches me ways to learn and harness the knowledge from God’s word.  As we go through oour own process, God will be there with us.  We need to continue to seek him, and he will deliver on his promises.

Here is my morning prayer.

O God, I pray that my hands and actions, my mind and thoughts would reflect and represent the great goodness you have made in each of your children. Amen.

My Morning Praise Song

Sharing my morning praise song -

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning.  My morning devotional teaches me that must include God in our plans.  God will provide us guidance on our plans.

Here is my morning prayer

God, I might try to hide my anger from myself but I know I can’t hide it from you. So please receive it and lead me to places of healing for me and ones around me. Amen.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

My Morning Praise Song

Sharing my morning praise song -

My Morning Devotional

Good morning.  My devotional teaches me that the devil is always hiding and ready to derail us from following God's will. We must stand firm in God's word to defend against the devil.

Here is my morning prayer.

God, keep me close to you, not so as to avoid calamity or to avert disaster, but so that from the inside of my thoughts to the outside of my actions I might reflect you. Amen

Monday, February 10, 2020

My Morning Devotional

Good morning.  My devotional teaches me that the enemy will try his/her best to hurt us when we are getting closer to God.  Let’s stay steadfast in the God.  He is our strength who will defend us from our enemies.

Here is my morning prayer:

Dear God, I pray that you’d take this one moment of my life and help me to choose you and life and then, when the next moment comes, to do it all over again. I’m counting on you, Lord. Amen.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Saturday, February 8, 2020

RISE LLC Website - Small Business Minority Firm

RESILIENT,   INNOVATIVE,   SUSTAINABLE   ENTERPRISES was developed to provide creative and innovative services that will assist  organizations  in  achieving  a  competitive  advantage. This  is achieved  by  partnering  with  organizations  to  develop  avenues  to increase efficiencies and overall effectiveness in their operations. RESILIENT, INNOVATIVE, SUSTAINABLE ENTERPRISES is committed  to  providing  superior  customer  service.  Our  services can be customized to meet any organizational need. Our integrity and  culture are shaped  with  the  understanding  that  our  customers come FIRST!

Alphonso Jefferson, Jr.

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Check out the website! Website -

My morning praise song

Sharing my morning praise song -

My morning devotional

Good morning. My devotional teaches me that we must not linger on the past but look towards what God has for us in the present and future.

Here is my morning prayer:

O Lord, you so designed the plan of your salvation so as to magnify your great love for us. You revealed that love in Christ and in his cross. You revealed it to us by your Word and your Spirit. We never "make the first move," but it is always you who take the initiative and love us and turn us to you. For that, Lord, we praise you and love you! Amen.

Friday, February 7, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning.  My devotional teaches me that the Word of God must be inside us in everything we do.  We must soak up the Word of God I order to walk in God's way.

Here is my morning prayer.

O Lord of our hearts, let not anger lead us to sin. Let it not create a foothold for the Devil in us. Let us not go to sleep at night without such anger being already quenched and dealt with. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of darkness that rule this fallen world; let not our anger be focused on men but against our true enemies: the world, the flesh, and the Devil.

My morning praise song

Sharing my morning praise song -

Acheved My Certification in Project Management

 Throughout my career, I have led high-value projects creating tremendous value to organizations, citizens, and businesses.   As a result, t...