Sunday, March 1, 2020

My morning devotional

Good morning.  My devotional teaches me of God’s mercy and grace.  At times our faith is challenged, but we must believe in God’s promise.  Although we face trials and tribulations, we must have heart abs stay strong in the Lord. The enemy is always plotting, and God has our backs.

Here is my morning prayer:

Dear God, no one can compare to your greatness. There is no one, not a single being, in this universe that can try to stand up to you. I pray that all the earth will come to the knowledge of your greatness, O God, and that we will all come to worship you and give you the praise that is truly due to you. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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 Throughout my career, I have led high-value projects creating tremendous value to organizations, citizens, and businesses.   As a result, t...