Sunday, March 15, 2020

Sharing my morning devotional

Good morning.  I know it has been some days since I shared my devotional.  I continue to stay in prayer.  My devotional teaches me that God is calling us to a higher level.  I continues to with towards what God is calling me to do.

Here is my morning prayer.

Dear God, it is easy to be enticed by the things of this world. When I am tempted by earthly goods or earthly status, remind me that they are not eternal. The only thing that is eternal is your love. Help me to do your will and to follow the path you've laid for me. Give me the courage to turn away from the things of this world and follow you with my whole heart. Thank you, O Lord, for the gift of eternal life. May I spend my days following you and serving you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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 Throughout my career, I have led high-value projects creating tremendous value to organizations, citizens, and businesses.   As a result, t...